It’s been a while … so hello from me and my small business, and thank you for being part of my flowery life.
I thought I'd add an introductory post.
I’m Tracey, The Mindful Seasonalist, and I’m a second career florist and small time grower of British seasonal flowers based in Hoghton, Lancashire.
I came to seasonal flowers from a Lawyers background of occupational injury clients who told me that being able to look out at their gardens in times of extreme illness, or in their dying days, held and comforted them beyond measure. Other clients shared with me how their psychological damage was eased by cultivating their green spaces, planting, growing, and gardening their minds.
My pathway from law to flowers for the wild remedy was easy with their stories etched on my heart and imprinted in my mind.
Gardening has always been my refuge, and, alongside retraining in floral design, I hold certificates in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (my absolute passion), and, more recently, Mindfulness, and Breath-work. These three things work in complete harmony for me; SHT is, in itself, a nature based remedy, and breathing as our ancestors did, alongside mindful intention, are, to my mind, natural pathways to inner peace; our greatest wealth.
Throughout the year I offer creative small group workshops and private sessions for those who wish to play with beautiful British seasonal flowers, mindfully. Be in touch if you’d like to connect/collaborate, or take a look at my website to check when workshops go live.
I’m a member and huge supporter of Flowers From The Farm; a not for profit association of hundreds of British artisan florists and growers who understand that seasonal flowers help to reduce our carbon footprint by placing a scented country garden straight into your vase without chemicals or air miles.
Scented, seasonal bunches and bouquets are available upon request by pre-order. Simply be in touch, in season.
So, that’s a snapshot of me! Thank you for your support; Please take a look around my website and be in touch if there is something you would like from me, whether that be a workshop or some beautiful seasonal flowers.