It's Spring at last, and already the days are longer, and the air is warmer.
Seeds have been sown, and it's time to plant out the Dahlia tubers so that they can flourish in late summer.
Bank Holiday blooms have been popular, and Spring wreaths have been delivered, although they are still available whenever you'd like them. It's also one year on from the first lockdown, and we are, at last, starting to see some freedom of safe movement. Vaccines are being administered and it feels like there is hope in the air.
It has seemed a long winter, but, with Spring, we see new garden growth emerging, and the flowery world is waking up once more. That means that there are more varieties of British flowers available, and that will continue now as the months progress. Herbs are also beautiful in bouquets, and wreaths, as in the image shown, where scented Thyme was used alongside seasonal Tete a Tete Narcissus, White Muscari, and Primroses.
Springtime is the start of our season, and we can look forward to more freedom and more flowers as the months progress.
Stay safe, dears, and remain ever hopeful, and mindful. Always stay kind.