Late summer; holding centre...
It seems as though we're on the cusp of our next seasonal shift. Late summer is softening it's edges to merge with the season yet to come. The evenings are noticeably cooler, and the nights are drawing in, but then there are these little treasures; rose-hips like jewels, rowan berries along the riverside, seed heads and the scent of bronze fennel.
Instead of missing the summer we've never truly had, I'm looking forward to the season of joyful abundance, hedgerow fruits, and letting go.
Balancing acceptance and gratitude; holding centre. Living in the moment, enjoying whatever comes from the EArth, and soaking up the hint of the late summer sun wherever it rises and sets. There is a hint of yellow mixed with the green, and the russet is bringing with it both sweetness and ease.
Allow whatever comes along to come.
Trusting the seasonal transition.
Stay tuned for new workshop news as we edge towards Autumn and beyond.
